You Are Now Cleared For Take-Off: Ross Resigns With Orlando

By: Phil Harlow

In a move that pleased both Magic fans and the player himself in equal measure, Terrence Ross signed a four year, $52 million deal to remain in Central Florida.


Orlando got to work quickly at the opening of Free Agency. In a team that is light on prolific shooting, it came as no surprise that they moved quickly to tie up the 28 year old Shooting Guard. He was an integral part of the team's success in the 2018-19 season. Without him, we would have been in big trouble.

Terrence Ross had a career year, making 15.1 points per game. He was our 'go to' guy on the second unit, accounting for much of our scoring (42.3% to be exact). His importance to that line up cannot be underestimated. He earned the nickname The Human Torch last year because of his ability to get red hot from the field (and love of Marvel). He was instant offense when he entered the game, shooting 38.3% on 7.0 three point attempts a game. He can find space off screens and by moving without the ball. He had to be schemed for by the opposition, spacing the floor for his teammates. While his assists weren't anything to write home about (1.7 per game), his affect on the scoring cannot be underestimated. Although he can be inconsistent at times, he got on such a role last season that he could barely be stopped as we reached the post season for the first time since 2012.


He is a true fan favorite. His almost constant repping of the team across his social media accounts is a source of joy for fans. We love seeing a player who genuinely seems to love being in Orlando and shouting it from the roof tops. He's on record saying our throwback jerseys of last season are one of his favorites ever. In most pictures he posts online, he's decked out in Magic gear. The crowd loves him. The relief that he felt when he signed was clear in the video he released. He says he's in town for life, and you could see him sticking around. He is a very important player. His type of shooting doesn't go away.

The lack of any Shooting Guard signing, or even a player that is known as a shooter, makes the Terrence Ross deal all the more important. On a team that is built to defend hard and lock down opposition, having at least one player in each unit who is a known scorer is essential. While it is much easier for opposition to plan for the system, Ross proved last year that he can still find his spots. It's seemingly locked in now that we aren't going to find a second proven scorer to start next year, having not addressed the issue in Free Agency or the Draft. The performances by him last season are hopefully not a flash in the past. A sticking point of his career has been the inability to carry on performances, but I'm hoping this will change. He is part of a Playoff team again and has long term job security in a situation that he clearly enjoys.

I don't know who's more pleased about the fact Ross is staying in Orlando. The fans or him. Let's call it a tie.

Let me know what you think of the signing in the comments below or on Twitter @philharlowuk and @thecloseupmagic.

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