“The Close Up Magic” and the Story Behind it All

Growing up near Orlando, FL  was amazing. I loved going to Magic games and I became a fan while I was still a boy. Some of my favorite memories with my family were going to games with my Dad, meeting Nick Anderson with my Mom when she had to pick up some donation items from him for her job, and watching the playoff runs with my friends at our parents’ houses. But the thing I loved most about what the Magic did for me was to introduce me to other passionate fans. When I moved to Oakland, CA in 2014 at the age of 25, that all changed. I could talk basketball here, but it was only Warriors basketball. The Magic were in a horrible rebuild and no one understood what I felt because the Warriors were winning rings.

I started the “Close Up Magic” podcast 10 months ago. It was a way for me to meet other Magic fans long distance and talk about the team. My goal with the show was to bring Magic conversation to the fans who were desperate for any coverage. Through this show, it has introduced me to so many Magic fans. I have met people from around the world on this show. I’ve had local fans on to talk about their stories. I’ve had international fans on from the UK and Australia, and learned how they found the team. It’s been fun to have media members jump on and talk about their opinion. It's been a blast and I am forever thankful for all the support. There was one thing I did not account for, and it took me by surprise, and that is why I write this letter to you all.

The thing that shocked me the most was how many of you that I came across wanted to get involved in a bigger way. So many individuals reached out because, like me, they wanted to share and connect with other Magic fans and continue to grow this amazing community of people. Sometimes it really feels more like a family then just a fan when you come across another die-hard fan. We have our #MagicFam!

Today, a group of dedicated individuals and I are happy to launch the website TheCloseUpMagic.com. Here you will see coverage of the team but in a little bit different way. The “Close Up Magic” podcast will continue to carry on, but we will now have more shows, articles and video content to share. This is a site made by fans for the greater Magic Family. We are approaching this not from your typical NBA journalistic view (though you will find some content like that), but from a non-censored viewpoint. Our goal is to bring the Magic fans together, make new fans stronger and feel more connected, have solid debate and most importantly, keep it fun.

So, welcome to the site! Have a look around, and share it with a friend. We appreciate all the support and cannot wait to bring you content covering the best NBA team in the league. It's going to be #PureMagic!


Stephen Cameron and “The Close Up Magic” Crew