OVERRATED? Nikola Vucevic



Learn to pronounce


past tense: overrated; past participle: overrated

  1. have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved.

"dismissing the work as pompous and overrated"


I’ve seen the word overrated in conjunction a lot with Nikola. Let’s be fair… he’s our best player and that’s un-deniable. He deserves a much higher opinion than to be labeled “overrated”. 

The man SHOULD NOT be our best player but that’s what we have. As a 2nd or 3rd option Nikola would flourish even more. He was taken out of the playoffs because he was the only player the opposing team needed to zero in on to shut down and take away our chance at playoff underdog glory.

Vuc had the highest +/- on the team for the season and well respected around the league by players and coaches and the first allstar Orlando has seen in 7 years. He is truly the most UNDERRATED player we have, (DJ Augustine close behind IMO) 

Magic fans should have nothing but praise and gratitude.

Now having said that, it still does not make me a “Vuc Stan”. I don’t believe he fits our timeline, and for that reason if I can’t get him on a 2-year deal or a friendly 3-year I let him get paid elsewhere. If I’m Vuc I’m looking for a 5-year big money deal and Orlando just can’t give that to him. (IMO)

Believe it or not it’s okay to appreciate a player’s contributions, hard work, improvements, and leaderships and still as a fan of the team believe he’s not the fit for us going forward.

Don’t be an asshole, show some appreciation for the most exciting season we’ve had in 7 years and HUGE thank you to Nikola for leading our team.